3. Pink Pearl
This Pearl is only love. It is the Divine love that created the universe. It is the love that created you. It is everything you can imagine perfect love would be, and it is like nothing you have ever experienced before.

This Pearl is only love. It is the Divine love that created the universe. It is the love that created you. It is everything you can imagine perfect love would be, and it is like nothing you have ever experienced before. The planet has known in its depth that you could have this love, but your human body has not been used to it or even able to feel anything that this love has tried to give you. Up to this point you have learned what love is not as you have pretended to be a creature of duality - but that is not your real truth. You have been part of the One from the beginning, and it took all your imagination to pretend for all this time that you were not that. This bottle exists to remind you that it is time to come out of the closet - out and proud. You begin to look foolish when you try to keep pretending that you are not an incredible being of pure unconditional love. At first this might feel so foreign that it may be deeply uncomfortable to feel it again but persevere, because that is why you incarnated at this time. You now have the power to hold this vibration, and you are asked to walk it around the planet. You can no longer not.
The Pink Pearl is the new level of love you can experience when you see the truth about yourself. It touches the innermost core of your innocent self, your starchild self, your pure radiant love-self. The Pink Pearl is the pearl of preciousness at the centre of every being and helps you remember the perfect light you came from.