Six Pearls of Wisdom

Six Pearls of Wisdom 3We are thrilled to have Melissie Jolly coming back to present a brand new workshop!

In this workshop we will connect with our deepest truth.  These shining Pearls of Wisdom will reconnect us with the deep inner light we have always been.  These are the pearls we have always carried within but which have remained hidden until now.  Their luminous glow is a reflection of the beauty of true wisdom, not the knowledge we have gained with our minds but the heart’s wisdom, the soul’s wisdom, the wisdom of the inner guiding light.

This is not a workshop for the many - this is an intimate journey for those who are ready to face their own light and their own truth without the veil of darkness we have all been wearing to try and fit into the world.  We can no longer pretend.  The new children who are being born onto the planet know their own light and their own wisdom perfectly and it is time for us to step up and show them that we remember now too.

The Six Pearls of Wisdom are here to remind us of love, which is our true nature.

The Green Pearl is the new heart - our true power centre, more powerful than the brain in knowing who we are.  It opens up a new space inside us for more love, more generosity, more gentleness.  It paves the way for an authentic heart, an open mind, a clear space from which to love and be loved.

The Blue Pearl gives us a new voice to speak our light into being.  It connects us with the serenity of the angels and the stillness of the ocean.  It creates and calls into being.  It expands and deepens our connections with the vast field of communication that exists beyond our limited human understanding.

The Pink Pearl is the new level of love we can experience when we see the truth about ourselves.  It touches the innermost core of our innocent self, our starchild self, our pure radiant love-self.  The Pink Pearl is the pearl of preciousness at the centre of every being and helps us remember the perfect light we came from.

The Clear Pearl is the new light we are activating on the planet.  It is the core of white hot light at the centre of the galaxy, emanating intense light and power with infinite softness.  It reminds us that we are whole and complete, needing nothing beyond our own light source and that in our acceptance of our own light, we add exponentially to the light of the planet and beyond.

The Yellow Pearl is the new knowing.  It is the pure joy that will lift us and the planet into ascension.  It is the glowing life-force of the Sun and the spiritual sun that exists within each of us.  It radiates warmth and joy to light up the planet and take us into a new way of understanding life where we can access the inner knowledge and wisdom beyond our minds.

The Rose Gold Pearl is the essence of the feminine Divine force - the female power that is the portal to spirit in the way that female bodies bring new spirits to earth by giving birth to them.  This energy is the birthing of an incredibly special and new time of spiritual evolution on the planet.  Pink is the colour of unconditional love and the true power of our hearts that links all of life on the planet.  Gold is the colour of authentic power and the power of our Divine connection.  The combination - Rose Gold - is the colour of creation.  Everything that exists is created through Divine power and love.

The Pearls are the birth of the new in a way we have not fully embraced before.  By having tangible, physical bottles to represent these new energies our bodies can now begin to feel and know the truth so that we can, with the whole of ourselves, welcome and open to the new reality that is making itself known on the planet.  The new bottles that have presented themselves have brought with them the most divinely loving, gentle yet magnificent force.  This feels like nothing we have experienced with the bottles before.  The Magenta Gaias felt like the oldest patterns being removed and now they have made way for something so delicate yet profound, so rich yet so light, so incredibly loving and warm that it has taken our breath away.  This is the love of the Divine Mother we have all been waiting for.

What is needed now is for a group to come together to anchor these exquisite pearl energies.  Come and share in this most magical healing event which will not only touch each individual who comes, but is in essence the story of all humanity and a profound step on the journey of living life on Earth as awakened beings.

Cost:  £220 per person (payable in cash on the day please).

Event Properties

Event Date 02-09-2017 10:00 am
Event End Date 03-09-2017 4:30 pm
Individual Price £220.00
We are no longer accepting registration for this event